オプション リファレンス

Posted by muchag | WordPress |
初回投稿:2011-03-20 (日) 3:30:27 | 最終更新:2011-03-20 (日) 5:19:10

その多くが 設定 項目にある。

本当は WordPress Codex 日本語版の方に書き込むのがよいんだけど

参考元:WordPress Codex Option Reference

ディスカッション (Discussion)

ディスカッション (Discussion)

オプション 内容
blacklist_keys When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-mail, or IP, it will be marked as spam. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so “press” will match “WordPress.”
comment_max_links Hold a comment in the queue if it contains the value of this option or more.
comment_moderation Before a comment appears, an administrator must always approve the comment.
comments_notify E-mail me when anyone posts a comment.
default_comment_status Allow comments (can be overridden with individual posts)
default_ping_status Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)
default_pingback_flag Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article (slows down posting).
moderation_keys When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-mail, or IP, it will be held in the moderation queue. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so “press” will match “WordPress.”
moderation_notify E-mail me when a comment is held for moderation.
require_name_email Before a comment appears, the comment author must fill out his/her name and email.
thread_comments Enable WP-native threaded (nested) comments.
thread_comments_depth Set the number of threading levels for comments.
show_avatars Avatar Display
avatar_rating Maximum Rating
avatar_default Default Avatar
close_comments_for_old_posts Automatically close comments on old articles
close_comments_days_old Automatically close comments on articles older than x days
page_comments Break comments into pages
comment_whitelist Comment author must have a previously approved comment


一般 (General)

オプション リファレンス -> 一般 (General)

オプション 内容
admin_email Administrator email
blogdescription Blog tagline
blogname Blog title
comment_registration Users must be registered and logged in to comment
date_format Default date format (see Formatting Date and Time)
default_role The default role of users who register at the blog.
gmt_offset Times in the blog should differ by this value.
home Blog address (URL)
siteurl WordPress address (URL)
start_of_week The starting day of the week. Default is 0 (Sunday).
time_format Default time format (see Formatting Date and Time)
users_can_register Anyone can register
timezone_string Timezone


リンク (Links)

リンク (Links)

オプション 内容


メディア (Media)

メディア (Media)

オプション 内容
thumbnail_crop Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)
embed_autourls Attempt to automatically embed all plain text URLs


? (Miscellaneous)

? (Miscellaneous)

オプション 内容
hack_file Use legacy my-hacks.php file support
html_type Default MIME type for blog pages (text/html, text/xml+html, etc.)
secret Secret value created during installation used with salting, etc.
upload_path Store uploads in this folder (relative to the WordPress root)
upload_url_path URL path to upload folder (will be blank by default – Editable in Settings -> Miscellaneous)
uploads_use_yearmonth_folders Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders
use_linksupdate Track links’ update times


パーマリンク設定 (Permalinks)

パーマリンク設定 (Permalinks)

オプション 内容
permalink_structure The desired structure of your blog’s permalinks. Some examples:
/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ : Date and name based
/archives/%post_id%/ : Numeric
/%postname%/ : Post name-based
You can see more examples by viewing Using Permalinks.
category_base The default category base of your blog categories permalink.
tag_base The default tag base for your blog tags permalink.


プライバシー (Privacy)

プライバシー (Privacy)

オプション 内容
blog_public 1 : I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and archivers. (default)
0 : I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors.


表示設定 (Reading)

表示設定 (Reading)

オプション 内容
blog_charset Encoding for pages and feeds. The character encoding you write your blog in (UTF-8 is recommended).
gzipcompression WordPress should compress articles (with gzip) if browsers ask for them.
page_on_front The ID of the page that should be displayed on the front page. Requires show_on_front’s value to be page.
page_for_posts The ID of the page that displays posts. Useful when show_on_front’s value is page.
posts_per_page Show at most x many posts on blog pages.
posts_per_rss Show at most x many posts in RSS feeds.
rss_language Language for RSS feeds (metadata purposes only)
rss_use_excerpt Show an excerpt instead of the full text of a post in RSS feeds
show_on_front What to show on the front page
posts : Your latest posts (default)
page : A static page (see page_on_front)


テーマ? (Themes)

テーマ? (Themes)

オプション 内容
template The slug of the currently activated theme (how it is accessed by path, ex. /wp-content/themes/some-theme: some-theme would be the value)
stylesheet The slug of the currently activated stylesheet (style.css) (how it is accessed by path, ex. /wp-content/themes/some-theme: some-theme would be the value)


投稿設定 (Writing)

投稿設定 (Writing)

オプション 内容
default_category ID of the category that posts will be put in by default
default_email_category ID of the category that posts will be put in by default when written via e-mail
default_link_category ID of the category that links will be put in by default
default_post_edit_rows Size of the post box (in lines)
mailserver_login Mail server username for posting to WordPress by e-mail
mailserver_pass Mail server password for posting to WordPress by e-mail
mailserver_port Mail server port for posting to WordPress by e-mail
mailserver_url Mail server for posting to WordPress by e-mail
ping_sites When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services. For more about this, see Update Services. Separate multiple service URLs with line breaks. Requires blog_public to have a value of 1.
use_balanceTags Correct invalidly-nested XHTML automatically
use_smilies Convert emoticons like 🙂 and 😛 to graphics when displayed
use_trackback Enable sending and receiving of trackbacks
enable_app Enable the Atom Publishing Protocol
enable_xmlrpc Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols


? (?)

? (?)

オプション 内容
Posted by muchag | WordPress |
初回投稿:2011-03-20 (日) 3:30:27 | 最終更新:2011-03-20 (日) 5:19:10

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